Thursday, July 26, 2012

D.C. taxicab upgrades delayed, Good and Bad

Both Creative Mobile Technology and Taxi Magic who lost their bid to VeriFone are protesting the Reward of $35 million contract. They both filed a complaint to the DC Contract Appeals Board, this will delay the Verifone to start installing smart meters with GPS tracking system, credit card swipe and among other things in all DC taxicabs.

This delay which could last for weeks or even months is good for drivers as well as customers. Almost all drivers and most of the customers don't like the idea of being tracked and watched by uncle Ran or uncle Sam when they are in DC Taxicabs and minding their businesses. It is also bad for drivers, if they do not keep up with the new technology of accepting credit cards and dispatching and having clean cars with good customer services they will definitely lose their business to Uber, Car2Go, Bikeshare, Zipcar, Redtop and many more. Therefore, the sooner the drivers upgrade their services the better for them to stay in business.

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